Headache and Facial Pain

The University of Pennsylvania Headache and Facial Pain Fellowship Program is accredited by the United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties (UCNS). We accept 1 fellow per year and fellowship training is 1 year. Fellows receive comprehensive training in outpatient management and headache procedures. We collaborate with neurosurgery, neuroradiology, pain management, neuro ophthalmology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation departments. Penn offers a rich environment for research activities in basic and clinical science. Fellows are able to join ongoing research activities or be supported to initiate their own projects.

Fellowship Curriculum

The fellowship program offers flexibility depending on the career goals of the fellow, but generally has the following structure:
  • 90% clinical time with faculty mentors in the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine and Penn Presbyterian Hospital outpatient clinics. 
  • Development of a research project or other scholarship is encouraged. Effort will be made to establish both clinical and research mentors early in the program.

Application Process

The Penn Headache and Facial Pain fellowship is now recruiting fellows starting training on July 1, 2025. We participate in NRMP Match. Please visit American Headache Society Headache Medicine Fellowship Opportunities Website for the timeline 

Application Materials:
  • CV
  • Personal Statement explaining your interests in Headache and Facial Pain Medicine
  • USMLE Transcript
  • Professional Photo
  • Three Letters of Recommendation.

Headache Faculty

Seniha Nur Ozudogru, MD

Program Director, Headache and Facial Pain Medicine Fellowship
Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology

Eric Kaiser, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Neurology


Contact Information

Department of Neurology
3 Gates, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Frances E. Jensen, MD, FACP
Chair of Neurology

Email PennNeuroFellowships@uphs.upenn.edu